The Sustainable Hydrogen City


We have sent our application for: Helsinki Energy Challenge 

We have created a strong complete system concept that is based upon Hydrogen as load balance in a new renewable power generation concept. We can create the fossil free society entirely without CO2 emissions.

We are particular proud of the strong support from our partners in this application and that they share our Believes in that the green future is possible!

Our concept in short bullets:

1. Power is Everything, but power without balance is useless.

Our concept is focusing upon finding renewable replacement of the fossil fuels used today and the essential storage solution for balancing power to be used when needed.

We have started our solution with a holistic point of view to secure a financial feasibility not only for Helsinki but also Finland and partly the influence of what a new energy system would do for the Nordpool energy spot market.

To find a sustainable solution there must be Hydrogen energy storage and an introduction to a hydrogen economy. Why, because Hydrogen brings the balance. Hydrogen is also the leading global trend in the energy industry. For example Japan is in transition towards a complete hydrogen society, there is being performed a wave of hydrogen investment in Australia as well as colossal plans within the European Union.

2. Introduce new renewable energy production, domestic not only locally in Helsinki.

We emphasize to increase renewable production throughout solar and wind power. Not only locally in Helsinki but Pan-Finland.

With Hydrogen storage there would be local battery storages of power to be used when needed during cold days.

3. Reuse existing investments and reuse resources.

For our concept the district heat network will be the framework in Helsinki tomorrow as well as today, with modifications together with an electrification of the city. To replace energy sources at site today our concept solution:

  • Local Absorption/ Heat pumps with electricity from solar and wind, boosted by boiler systems.
  • Waste-to-energy with CCS/CCU.
  • Local clusters of district heating by hydrogen fuel cells

4. ICT and IoT of Energy

With smart solutions and usage of the thermal inertia of the district heat network Less energy and therefore less power will be needed tomorrow. We have seen and experienced that full developed municipalities with Dunderon solutions in Sweden reduce 30% of energy consumption and eliminates load peaks!

5. Legislative and regulative measurements.

  • Introduce a support program for solar and wind investments!
  • Introduce a support program for household self-support with solar and fuel cells.
  • Legislate Max 1 A head surge for private households!
  • Legislate local battery for power spikes!

If this sounds interesting, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.