Clean Biosynteticgas -step 1


May the combustion process be more effective with infrasound? Read further one how we managed to success... 

The project has been financed by Vinnova / Bioinnovation 
and the project owner is Infrasonik.   

Project management has been carried out by H&O Development, with participating experts from Infrasonik, Midroc, AFRY (ÅF), Sigma industry, Greensteam Heat Management and Måsen process technology. 

The project aimed to investigate whether infrasound technology can be used to streamline biomass gasification to reduce biogas production costs. After step 1 has now been completed, the project team assesses that the technology has a great potential and that there is great reason to continue the project to further develop the technology together with the energy industry. 

From the hypothesis that existed at the start of the project, a test facility has now been designed and manufactured, tests have been carried out, gas composition has been measured, simulations and calculations have been made, and market conditions have been investigated. 

Major technical challenges arose during the course of the project, but these have been overcome and the test facility is now functioning as planned. An important goal was to achieve a continuous process which has been achieved as well as a steady state for the process. 
